ARTFIX daily 登载。(Feb 23, 2017)

Houston's Moody Center for the Arts Debuts This Weekend With Thomas Struth's Nature & Politics, and More

Houston's Moody Center for the Arts Debuts This Weekend With Thomas Struth's Nature & Politics, and MoreHouston’s new, internationally-focused arts institution, the Moody Center for the Arts at Rice University, built for creating collaborative works of all kinds and presenting innovative, transdisciplinary experiences, will open to the public on Friday, February 24, 2017, with five cutting-edge art exhibitions, one world-premiere dance performance developed on-site and four days of celebratory events for Rice University and local communities.(本文抜粋)

人民網 登载。(Feb 23, 2017)


日本のウルトラテクノロジスト集団「チームラボ」による大展覧会「Dance! Art Exhibition, Learn & Play! Future Park」が、台湾地区の台北・華山1914文創園区で開催された。来場者たちは、幻想的な光のアートに魅了されていた。新華網が伝えた。(本文抜粋)