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Walk, Walk, Walk: Free Infinity

teamLab, 2018, Interactive Digital Installation, Endless, Sound: Hideaki Takahashi, Voices: Yutaka Fukuoka, Yumiko Tanaka

Walk, Walk, Walk: Free Infinity

teamLab, 2018, Interactive Digital Installation, Endless, Sound: Hideaki Takahashi, Voices: Yutaka Fukuoka, Yumiko Tanaka

This work is to be viewed from a position close to the entrance.

The work begins when the figures of Walk, Walk, Walk enter into the Cave Universe in the middle of the aisle. When the work ends, the figures leave the space and disappear.

If you stand at position close to the entrance the boundary between the wall and the floor disappears, the real space dissolves and the body becomes immersed in the artwork.

Anonymous and diverse figures walk freely in space. They sing, and when they walk near visitors, they sing more. Just as the figures in the artwork move freely singing and dancing in any direction, people in real life are free to dance anywhere and walk in any direction.

The work is rendered in real time by a computer program, it is neither a prerecorded animation nor imagery on loop. Previous states will never be repeated and can never be seen again.