deMilked に、掲載。(Jan 31, 2017)

Pond Filled With Interactive Fish Changes When You Walk Through It

Get bored easily while wading in those dull 20th-century ponds? Thankfully that’s about to change with this interactive installation by teamLab who created a digitally enhanced Koi pond which changes reacts and changes upon your touch.(本文抜粋)

MOT TIMES に、掲載。(Dec 30, 2016)

設計迷請尖叫!唯美、絢麗又迷幻,日本團隊 teamLab 登台打造超夢幻數位遊樂園!

還記得在「 2016 M&O 巴黎時尚家居設計展 」系列報導中,專訪 teamLab 創辦人猪子壽之先生的文章嗎?繽紛、絢爛、迷幻,teamLab 總是以互動科技結合藝術,打造如仙境的迷人烏托邦。當時我們提到,若有機會走進這種被幸福感包圍的裝置中,肯定是此生最享受的視覺體驗之一。這個願望似乎被聽到了,設計迷尖叫吧!(本文抜粋)