Spatial Calligraphy in the Cuboid

teamLab, 2023, Digital Installation

Spatial Calligraphy in the Cuboid

teamLab, 2023, Digital Installation

The letters of the words in this artwork continuously rotate. Depending on the angle we may be able to recognize the letters as they continue to rotate, and there will be moments when we can recognize the meaning of the letters as a whole, but once again, they will become indiscernible and the words lose meaning.

The space of the calligraphy is created with what teamLab refers to as Ultrasubjective Space. In contrast to spaces that are created through, or in other words framed by, lenses and perspective, Ultrasubjective Space does not fix the viewer’s viewpoint and in turn frees the body. The screens that the calligraphy is seen on do not become a boundary between the viewer and the artwork, and the artwork space of the calligraphy is continuous with the space of the viewer’s body.