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Graffiti Nature - Living in the Botanical Garden

teamLab, 2017, Interactive Digital Installation, Sound: Hideaki Takahashi

Graffiti Nature - Living in the Botanical Garden

teamLab, 2017, Interactive Digital Installation, Sound: Hideaki Takahashi

An ecosystem is created by the creatures drawn by visitors. 

Plants from all over the world are collected in the botanical garden. Amongst the plants live the animals that visitors have colored in. Somewhere in the botanical garden are the animals that you have drawn. Can you find them?

Animals are eaten by other animals, but if they do not eat they will die and disappear. When the animals that you draw eat other animals, their numbers increase. Butterflies increase in places where there are flowers. All are part of one ecosystem. 

If you step on Crocodiles too much they will die. If you stand still flowers will blossom around you. If you walk around, the flowers will scatter. 

Search for your animals, and whilst making the flowers bloom, explore the world that everyone has created.

Comment jouer

  • 1

    Coloriez et dessinez sur le papier préparé.

  • 2

    Scannez le dessin.

  • 3

    Les animaux et les fleurs prennent vie dans l'espace d'exposition !

  • 4

    Restez immobile et les fleurs s'épanouiront autour de vous ; promenez-vous et les pétales des fleurs s'éparpilleront.

  • 5

    Rapprochez-vous des animaux et ils sentiront votre présence et commenceront à bouger.

Compétences Travaillées

  • Créativité, pouvoir d'expression
  • Respect de la diversité
  • Développement de l'auto-efficacité
  • Intérêt pour la technologie