STYLE に、掲載。(Nov 15, 2020)

New post-Covid-19 travel plan: teamLab’s Instagrammable art show in Macau is a mesmerising digital creation that proves science and art go hand in hand, according to founder Toshiyuki Inoko

Anyone even remotely tapped into social media will have some awareness of teamLab and its out-of-this-world art displays and installations. Beautiful, all-encompassing and unique, the group’s work is something to be experienced rather than merely seen. Founded in 2001 by Toshiyuki Inoko, teamLab calls itself an international art collective. It’s an interdisciplinary group of specialists – programmers, artists, engineers, mathematicians, CG animators and architects – whose works explore the convergence of art, technology, design and the natural world through the digital medium. (Excerpt from the text)

GLOBAL TIMES に、掲載。(Nov 12, 2020)

Shanghai orchestra allies with art collective teamLab for immersive experiences

With works from classical composers such as Bach, Beethoven and Debussy, the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra transformed the Borderless Shanghai, Japanese art and technology collective teamLab's second museum following its venue in Tokyo, into a packed music hall on Friday and Saturday nights. The only difference from traditional performances was that these were accompanied by projected digital images such as blooming flowers, swimming fish and leaping animals. (Excerpt from the text)

新民 に、掲載。(Nov 11, 2020)


在没有动线、没有地图、靠着摸索来探寻“展品”的美术馆里,任凭音乐的引领游走,闯入一个又一个奇幻领域,是怎样的观展体验?11月5日,全球第二座数字艺术美术馆——无界美术馆(teamLab Borderless)迎来了一周年馆庆。作为周年庆系列活动重头戏,上海交响乐团的演奏家们“入驻”美术馆,在科幻互动光影中开启两场“沉浸”式演出,让观众在美术馆中聆听古典,在巴赫旋律中感受展品。(Excerpt from the text)

中工文化 に、掲載。(Nov 10, 2020)


指尖有蝴蝶飞过,耳畔有巴赫响起,光影与音乐交织,为观众带来全新艺术体验。11月6日-7日连续两晚,上海交响乐团首度联手全球第二座数字艺术美术馆“无界美术馆”,不设舞台,在科幻互动光影中为观众“零距离”带来莫扎特、圣-桑、德彪西等大师经典。   teamLab无界上海是根据teamLab艺术团队的作品群打造的“没有地图的美术馆”。上海交响乐团乐手走进“无界美术馆”的五个作品空间,根据不同作品空间的艺术理念、呈现形式、情绪表达来选择乐器,设定风格与之相融的表演形式和曲目,为观众准确而极致地传递艺术与情感。

中工文化 に、掲載。(Nov 8, 2020)


在大提琴的沉吟中感受“光之雕刻”的璀璨,在《绿野仙踪》中探索“灯之森林”的奥秘,在高山流水的意境里找到属于自己的“秘密花园”。昨晚,上海交响乐团首度联手全球第二座数字艺术美术馆“无界美术馆”,在科幻互动光影中开启两场“沉浸”式演出。演奏家们拿起大提琴、长笛、单簧管……让音符勾勒出无形的动线,用旋律描绘出一幅可以听的“导览图”,让市民观众体验一场充满冒险和惊喜的美术馆之旅。(Excerpt from the text)

北京新浪網 に、掲載。(Nov 7, 2020)


原標題:上海交響樂團在網紅美術館「造夢」 指尖有蝴蝶飛過,腳下有向日葵盛開,遊走於全球第二座數字藝術美術館—— 無界美術館,觀眾就像身處「盜夢空間」,在不同的夢裡逡巡。 在上海落成以來,這座夢一樣的美術館儼然成了「網紅」,每天吸引無數潮人前來打卡。(Excerpt from the text)

新民 に、掲載。(Nov 6, 2020)


在大提琴的沉吟中感受“光之雕刻”的璀璨,在《绿野仙踪》中探索“灯之森林”的奥秘,在高山流水的意境里找到属于自己的“秘密花园”。今晚,上海交响乐团首度联手全球第二座数字艺术美术馆“无界美术馆”,在科幻互动光影中开启两场“沉浸”式演出。演奏家们拿起大提琴、长笛、单簧管……让音符勾勒出无形的动线,用旋律描绘出一幅可以听的“导览图”,让市民观众体验一场充满冒险和惊喜的美术馆之旅。(Excerpt from the text)

ARCHISCOPIE に、掲載。(Autumn 2020)

Quand l’immersif fabrique un climat

Dopés par la vogue de l’immersif qui déferle sur les lieux d’exposition, les architectes inventent des univers clos qui sont autant de climats. Des sphères protectrices à la scénographie du nuage conçu par Diller+Scofidio sur un lac helvétique en passant par les dômes géodésiques d’un Buckminster Fuller, les bâtiments s’échappent du monde pour mieux le récréer et le démultiplier. Ambiances. (Excerpt from the text)

Florida Daily Post に、掲載。(2020年10月26日)

Superblue: Large-scale experiential art coming to Miami

With the rise in popularity of art that is immersive and interactive and the success of Infinity rooms, Miami is set to be home to the world’s first venue that brings top artists’ work to walk-in life. Launching December 22, Superblue promises a dynamic showcase of large-scale experiential artworks, from newly-created works to iconic installations. (Excerpt from the text)

HYPEBEAST に、掲載。(2020年10月19日)

teamLab Permanently Installs Real-Time Artwork of Flowers in NYC

As they’re busy preparing for their immersive installations at the emerging Superblue Miami Experiential Art Space, the talented troupe of new media artists at teamLab have mounted a new permanent public artwork in New York City’s One Vanderbilt. The work entitled Continuous Life and Death at the Now of Eternity II, Grand Central Terminal features striking visuals of flowers that “are born, bloom, wither, and die all with the flow of real time,” described teamLab in a statement. (本文抜粋)