Bangkok Post

Technological playground in bloom

Bangkok Post に、掲載。(2016年5月9日 )

Technological playground in bloom
A new exhibition at CentralWorld is set to enthral young and old alike with its creative and interactive installations 
Sensory light and instrumental melodies greet us as we lift each black curtain to see projections of blooming flowers, flowing sea waves and crows. (本文抜粋)

Bangkok Post
まだ かみさまが いたるところにいたころの ものがたり / Story of the Time When Gods were Everywhere
つくる!僕の天才ケンケンパ / Create! Hopscotch for Geniuses
光のボールでオーケストラ / Light Ball Orchestra
追われるカラス、追うカラスも追われるカラス、そして分割された視点 / Crows are chased and the chasing crows are destined to be chased as well, Division in Perspective – Light in Dark