
タイ初!「teamLab IsLands: Dance! Art Museum, Learn & Play! Interactive Theme Park」開催。2016/5/1~7/31

財経新聞 에 소개되었습니다. (Mar 31, 2016)

タイ初!「teamLab IsLands: Dance! Art Museum, Learn & Play! Interactive Theme Park」開催。2016/5/1~7/31
チームラボ、「teamLab IsLands: Dance! Art Museum, Learn & Play! Interactive Theme Park」を、タイ初開催。本展はタイ初のお披露目となるアート作品「花と人、コントロールできないけれども、共に生きる - A Whole Year per Hour」など、アート5作品と「チームラボアイランド -学ぶ!未来の遊園地-」の8作品を展示。期間は、2016年5月1日(日)~2016年7月31日(日)まで。(Excerpt from the text)

Crows are chased and the chasing crows are destined to be chased as well, Division in Perspective – Light in Dark
Flower and Corpse Glitch Set of 12
100 Years Sea Animation Diorama
Sketch Town
스케치 타운 페이퍼 크래프트 / Sketch Town Papercraft
커넥팅! 트레인 블록 / Connecting! Train Block
아직 신들이 곳곳에 머물러있을 무렵의 이야기 / Story of the Time when Gods were Everywhere
크리에이트! 지니어스 징검다리 놀이 / Create! Hopscotch for Geniuses
Sketch Aquarium
꼬마요정이 사는 테이블 / A Table where Little People Live
라이트 볼 오케스트라 / Light Ball Orchestra