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100 Years Sea Animation Diorama – Media Poles Version

teamLab, 2012, Digital Installation, 1min 30sec (12:1 ×12), Sound: Hideaki Takahashi

100 Years Sea Animation Diorama – Media Poles Version

teamLab, 2012, Digital Installation, 1min 30sec (12:1 ×12), Sound: Hideaki Takahashi

This work depicts the rising of the sea from 2009 for 100 years.
The animation started on the 10th of December 2009 and runs for a 100 years. There is also a 10 minute condensed version. This work shown here is the 100 year version.
In this case, the work was screened on twenty two oblong signage(12m x 1m), called "Media Pole".