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锦鲤舟楫共舞所描绘之水面图与莲花──武雄池塘 / Drawing on the Water Surface with Lotus Flowers, Created by the Dance of Koi and Small Boats - Mifuneyama Rakuen Pond

teamLab, 2016, Interactive Digitized Nature, 13min 24sec, Sound: Hideaki Takahashi

锦鲤舟楫共舞所描绘之水面图与莲花──武雄池塘 / Drawing on the Water Surface with Lotus Flowers, Created by the Dance of Koi and Small Boats - Mifuneyama Rakuen Pond

teamLab, 2016, Interactive Digitized Nature, 13min 24sec, Sound: Hideaki Takahashi

御船山乐园的池塘会在水面开出莲花,里头还有鲤鱼在游泳。池塘水面的变化能够被感应,投射在水面内的鲤鱼还会与浮在池塘上前进的小船互动并产生变化。鲤鱼整体本身并没有集体意识,但每尾鲤鱼都会受到周围鲤鱼行为的影响,自律地游泳。如果小船静止地飘浮在水面鲤鱼们就会聚集到小船旁,小船有动作的话鲤鱼们就会纷纷闪避。鲤鱼游泳的行动会受到小船行动以及其他鲤鱼行为的影响。而透过所有鲤鱼们游动时的轨迹,本作品也就被描绘而出了。 御船山乐园於西元1845年时开园,园内的大庭园是属日本国家登录纪念物的名胜景点。