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呼应的小宇宙群 ── 固化光色 / Resonating Microcosms - Solidified Light Color

teamLab, 2022, Interactive Digital Installation, Endless, Sound: Hideaki Takahashi, Production Support: Hirohito Saito (OryZa Design), Shinya Yoshida (SYD INC.)

呼应的小宇宙群 ── 固化光色 / Resonating Microcosms - Solidified Light Color

teamLab, 2022, Interactive Digital Installation, Endless, Sound: Hideaki Takahashi, Production Support: Hirohito Saito (OryZa Design), Shinya Yoshida (SYD INC.)

teamLab is experimenting with the concept of color. The ovoids can change into a total of 61 newly-defined Solidified Light Colors.

Under the sun, the ovoids reflect the world around them. As the sun sets, or in a dark space, the ovoids shine by themselves.

When an ovoid is pushed by a person, it shines brightly and emits a sound tone as it rights itself. The ovoids around it also respond one after another, emitting the same light color and sound tone that continues to resonate out.

When people are still, the ovoids begin to flicker slowly and reflect the world around them. When the ovoids are outdoors, they respond to environmental factors such as the rain and wind. The space of the work is interactively transformed under the influence of the behavior of the people and environment in the space, making the people and the environment a part of the work.