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Walk, Walk, Walk - Kanazawa Castle

teamLab, 2023, Digital Installation, Endless, Sound: Hideaki Takahashi, Voices: Yutaka Fukuoka, Yumiko Tanaka

Walk, Walk, Walk - Kanazawa Castle

teamLab, 2023, Digital Installation, Endless, Sound: Hideaki Takahashi, Voices: Yutaka Fukuoka, Yumiko Tanaka

A group of anonymous and diverse figures walk along the stone wall of Kanazawa Castle.

Viewers will make choices, as they confront the figures.

Hoho kore dojo” is a Zen expression on how every step is a place to learn. The figures in the artwork walk endlessly while confronting new situations. When people walk towards the figures, they will also confront new situations or new characters along their way.

The artwork is not a pre-recorded image that is played back: it is created by a computer program that continuously renders the work in real time. Previous visual states can never be replicated, and will never reoccur. The picture at this moment can never be seen again.