malaymail online に、掲載。(Apr 19, 2017)

Is this the world’s most beautiful restaurant experience? (VIDEO)

TOKYO, April 19 — Feast your eyes on this gorgeous immersive, multi-sensory dining experience at a steak restaurant in Tokyo.The Sagaya restaurant, located in Ginza, has collaborated with art collective TeamLab to transform one of their dining rooms through real-time projection mapping, digital sensors and sound in combination with elegant cuisine and ceramic art.(Excerpt from the text)

Spoon & Tamago に、掲載。(Apr 18, 2017)

An Immersive, Multi-sensory Dining Experience at a Ginza Steak Restaurant

“You eat with your eyes first” is a well-known adage, but whoever coined it first probably wasn’t imagining anything like this. The Ginza steak restaurant Sagaya has collaborated with TeamLab to transform one of their dining rooms into an immersive, multisensory dining experience that utilizes projection mapping, digital sensors and sound to enhance the meal.(Excerpt from the text) に、掲載。(Apr 18, 2017)

V Tokiu vznikla interaktivní restaurace, která se mění dle ročního období

Ve spolupráci s designéry ze společnosti Teamlab byla v Tokiu vytvořena unikátní interaktivní restaurace, která denně obslouží pouze 8 hostů. Tato restaurace návštěvníkům nabízí multi-smyslový zážitek, který spojuje dokonalou chuť Japonska s jeho přírodními krásami měnící se na základě ročního období.  (Excerpt from the text)