NEWS に、掲載。(Jul 18, 2018)

Neem plaats onder een digitale waterval in nieuw Japans museum

Neem plaats onder een digitale waterval in nieuw Japans museum Digitale kunst In Tokio opende onlangs het eerste volledig digitale museum: op 10.000 vierkante meter oppervlakte vertoont Teamlab steeds een selectie uit de vijftig video-installaties die het collectief maakte.(Excerpt from the text)

NEW ATLAS に、掲載。(Jul 18, 2018)

Tokyo's spectacular digital art museum makes visitors part of the art

An innovative and quite incredible new attraction has opened its doors in Tokyo, with the Mori Building in the Japanese capital hosting what is described as an unprecedented Digital Art Museum. Inside, visitors can wander freely through awe-inspiring lightworks that invite them to become one with the art.(Excerpt from the text)

CURBED に、掲載。(Jul 17, 2018)

World’s most Instagrammable art exhibition just opened in Tokyo

We’re living in the age of Instagram art, where exhibitions and experiences are tailor-made to produce like-able photos. From sparkling infinity rooms to buildings dedicated to ice cream, there’s truly no shortage of options to stage your cultural thirst trap.(Excerpt from the text)

artnet news に、掲載。(Jul 16, 2018)

Behold the Technicolor Playground That Is teamLab’s New Digital Art Museum

The pioneering interdisciplinary art collective teamLab has opened the world’s first digital art museum in Tokyo. Called the Mori Building Digital Art Museum: teamLab Borderless, the venue offers a rotating display of colorful moving imagery that fills an entire gallery and creates an interactive environment responsive to the movements of visitors.(Excerpt from the text)

designboom に、掲載。(Jul 16, 2018)

borderless and brilliant: teamlab's dreamlike digital art museum is now open

set across a monumental 10,000 square meters and comprising more than 50 artworks in a single space, teamlab’s mori building digital art museum is officially open to the public. the immersive institution features multiple 3-dimensional spaces that revolve around the theme of ‘borderless’, removing the boundaries between art and visitors.(Excerpt from the text)