artasiapacific Almanac 2018


artasiapacific Almanac 2018 に、掲載。(Jan, 2018)

The Japanese "ultratechnologist" group teamLab counts some 400 members, including programmers, engineers, mathematicians and other technical and design professionals--all working toward the goal of making art that cultivates what founder and CEO Toshiyuki Inoko calls "co-creative activities" among those who visit their installations. (本文抜粋)

artasiapacific Almanac 2018
憑依する滝 / Universe of Water Particles
追われるカラス、追うカラスも追われるカラス、そして分割された視点 / Crows are chased and the chasing crows are destined to be chased as well, Division in Perspective – Light in Dark