marie claire Taiwan


marie claire Taiwan 에 소개되었습니다. (Dec 23, 2016)

曾獲2015年DFA亞洲最具影響力設計獎─科技獎得主的teamLab團隊,帶著今年在新加坡、美國、泰國、韓國與日本的巡展聲勢,2016年底將於華山推出年度壓軸大展「teamLab: 舞動!藝術展 & 學習!未來の遊園地」。不僅將展出歷年來的經典創作,更有數件大型多媒體藝術作品為首次登台。(本文抜粋)

marie claire Taiwan
Crystal Universe
Sketch Aquarium
Flowers and People, Cannot be Controlled but Live Together – A Whole Year per Year
Crows are chased and the chasing crows are destined to be chased as well, Division in Perspective – Light in Dark
아직 신들이 곳곳에 머물러있을 무렵의 이야기 / Story of the Time when Gods were Everywhere