Living Things of Flowers, Symbiotic Lives in the Botanical Garden
teamLab, 2018, Interactive Digital Installation, Sound: Hideaki Takahashi
Living Things of Flowers, Symbiotic Lives in the Botanical Garden
teamLab, 2018, Interactive Digital Installation, Sound: Hideaki Takahashi
Plants from around the world are gathered in the the botanical gardens. Animals live in the plants. Flowers grow from their bodies, they bloom, scatter and fade away.
Animals eat other animals, and are eaten by other animals, all are part of one ecosystem. When animals eat other animals they grow in number. Animals are eaten by other animals and if they are not able to eat they will die and disappear. Crocodiles die when humans tread on them too much.
- Animals of Flowers, Symbiotic Lives in the Stone Wall - Fukuoka Castle Tower Ruins
- Animals of Flowers, Symbiotic Lives - Layered Ultrasubjective Space
- Animals of Flowers, Symbiotic Lives in the Stone Wall – Kochi Castle
- 꿈틀대는 골짜기의 꽃과 함께 살아가는 생물들 / Shifting Valley, Living Creatures of Flowers, Symbiotic Lives
- 꽃과 함께 살아가는 동물들 / Animals of Flowers, Symbiotic Lives