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Universe of Water Particles on a Rock where People Gather

teamLab, 2018, Interactive Digital Installation

Universe of Water Particles on a Rock where People Gather

teamLab, 2018, Interactive Digital Installation

A waterfall pours onto the Rock where People Gather

The Rock where People Gather was created by reproducing the artwork in a virtual three-dimensional space. Water was then simulated to fall onto the rock hill, to depict the movement of water on the rock’s surface. The water is represented by a continuum of countless water particles, and the interaction between the particles is then calculated. Lines are drawn in the space according to the movement of the water particles. The lines are then “flattened” using what teamLab calls Ultrasubjective Space.

When a person stands on the rock or touches the waterfall, they too become like a rock that changes the flow of water. The flow of water continues to transform in real time due to people’s interaction with the artwork, as well as the presence of other artworks. Previous visual states can never be replicated, and will never reoccur. The picture at this moment can never be seen again.