London Informer

teamLab at Pace Gallery, London: Transcending Boundaries – London Videos

London Informer 登载。(Feb 10, 2017)

teamLab at Pace Gallery, London: Transcending Boundaries – London Videos
Titled ‘Transcending Boundaries’, teamLab’s exhibition at the Pace Gallery creates immersive environments through digital projections. Blending movement with sound, the images flow out across the walls and floors of the gallery space and onto the bodies of visitors.(本文抜粋)

London Informer
水粒子世界, 超越边界 / Universe of Water Particles, Transcending Boundaries
无常的生命, 时空交汇之处诞生新的时空 / Impermanent Life, at the Confluence of Spacetime New Space and Time is Born
超越边界的群蝶,短暂的生命 / Flutter of Butterflies Beyond Borders, Ephemeral Life
圆相 / Enso
Dark Waves
綻放於人身上的花朵 / Flowers Bloom on People