OPENERS 에 소개되었습니다. (Sep 1, 2015)

チームラボ、光の宇宙を歩く新作エキシビション開催中|POLA MUSEUM ANNEX

POLA MUSEUM ANNEX|ポーラ ミュージアム アネックス7万4000個のLEDライトにより宇宙の壮大なドラマを表現チームラボ、光の宇宙を歩く新作エキシビション開催中ウルトラテクノロジスト集団「チームラボ」は、銀座にあるポーラ ミュージアム アネックスにて、新作個展『teamLab Exhibition, Walk Through the Crystal Universe』を9月27日(日)まで開催中。来場者も作品に参加、まばゆい空間のなかで光と一体にプログラマ・エンジニアやグラフィックデザイナー、建築家などスペシャリストから構成されるウルトラテクノロジスト集団「チームラボ」。アート・サイエンス・テクノロジーの境界線を曖昧にしながら活動をおこなっている。今回のエキシビションでは、LEDを3次元上に配置することによって、3次元の動く立体物をリアルタイムに立体のまま映し出すことが可能なチームラボ独自の技術「インタラクティブ4Dビジョン」を使用。無数の光を3次元空間に粒子として配置し、宇宙空間における光の動きを表現したインスタレーション作品となっている。また、来場者がスマートフォンのブラウザからアクセスし、宇宙を構成するエレメントをひとつ選択し、それを作品に向けてスワイプすることで宇宙が創られていくというインタラクティブな仕組みも。3次元で表現された映像による光の宇宙空間のなかを歩きまわりながら、作品を鑑賞することができる。その動きによって空間全体が影響を受け、光は変容しつづけるという。teamLab Exhibition, Walk Through the Crystal Universe会期|9月27日(日)まで ※会期中無休時間|11:00~20:00(入場は19:30まで)会場|ポーラ ミュージアム アネックス東京都中央区銀座1-7-7入場無料

週刊アスキー 에 소개되었습니다. (Sept, 1, 2015)


 2番目の部屋には、チームラボの手によるプロジェクションマッピング『HARMONY』が来場者を迎える。水田をモチーフに、膝丈ほどの円形のテーブルのようなスクリーンが稲穂のようにいくつも設置されてある。そこにプロジェクションマッピングで水田の1年間を表現する、という展示内容。稲穂をかき分けて進む、といった動作もでき、それによって表示が変わるなど、音と映像を組み合わせたエンターテインメント作品となっていた。 日本の四季を表す映像と小物の紹介の部屋を抜けると、再びチームラボによる『DIVERSITY』がテーマの展示。円筒形のオブジェにプロジェクションマッピングで滝を表現しており、日本の食の多様性を示すさまざまな画像が流れ落ちてくる。底部に日本館専用アプリをインストールしたスマートフォンを設置し、画像をスマートフォンに向けて指でドラッグ&ドロップすると、その画像に関する情報がスマートフォンに保存される、というもの。スマートフォンのNFCとマイクを活用しているようだ。(本文抜粋)

Luxurylaunches 에 소개되었습니다. (Sep 1, 2015)


Japanese digital creation maestro Teamlab has transformed London’s Saatchi Gallery into a visual spectacle. We especially loved the theme; ‘flutter of butterflies beyond borders’ is composed of a path surrounded by mirrors that is a portrayal of the seasonal course that flowers experience during a year. Here, the theme explored is the boundary between nature and human behaviour – flowers will keep on springing up, growing, blossoming and withering away in the real-time rendered artworks – but the viewer holds the key to affecting the cycle.Created in real time by a computer programme, the artistic images are not pre- recorded or played back. What fascinated us the most is that the entire work continues to evolve and the same state will never be repeated.Held during the START art fair, it shines a spotlight on emerging artists and new art scenes. The edition of the fair runs from 10th to 13th September 2015.

CULTURE&LIFE 에 소개되었습니다. (Aug 31, 2015)


Japanese art collective teamLab continue their impressive digital interactive artwork with a take over of London’s Saatchi Gallery for the START Art Fair this September. The exhibition, titled Flutter Of Butterflies Beyond Borders sees a mirrored walkway depict the seasonal course of flowers over a year; a moving image of growth and decay that directly reacts to viewer’s activity.Attendees’ presence will affect their cycle and whether they wither, die, spring up and blossom. Ultimately, exploring the boundary between nature and human behaviour. The gallery space sees butterflies flying across its walls, onto the floral imagery that looks at art being released from its constraints by the digital domain.The exhibition sees the group continuing their creation of stunning digital projections that eliminate the borders of architecture through an array of frequently changing images.Created in real-time by a computer programme, the visuals of the winged insects are not pre-recorded or played back, but continuously changing, never to be repeated.The installation includes the collectives previous ‘Ever Blossoming Life II – Dark’ and ‘Flowers and People, Cannot be Controlled but Live Together – A Whole Year per Hour Dark’, all three overlaid onto one another to create an all-encompassing, immersive experience of movement and colour.

Nerdist 에 소개되었습니다. (Aug 26, 2015)


Don your best pleather frock and bust out those shades, because Japanese tech-art studio TeamLab’s latest creation, “Crystal Universe,” has gone full Matrix.It might not actually be raining binary within the Crystal Universe, but a system of seemingly infinite, programable LEDs emulate the look of streaming data. And the best part? It’s completely interactive.“The viewer of the artwork can enter and walk around in the three-dimensional light space,” explains the team. “When the viewer enters the space they will cause a change that will affect the lights, and that change will continue to cause change indefinitely. You can also access the lights from a smartphone, by selecting a universe element, facing the Crystal Universe, and swiping towards it.”The result is spectacular, sending patterns of light from hand to hallway in a split-second. “It’s all made possible thanks to our Interactive 4D Vision display technology, which uses a common control system to project simple recreations of real objects, that can move in three dimensions.”A collaboration between programmers, artists, engineers, mathematicians, architects, and more, this isn’t TeamLab’s first dive into the world of tech-inspired art. Their previous works include a floating flower garden, and Crystal Universe’s predecessor, the 3D fireworks cube. “We like to think of ourselves as ‘ultra-technologists,’ aiming to achieve a balance between art, science, technology and creativity,” they say.Mission: accomplished. Should you find yourself in Tokyo, visit the Pola Museum Annex from Aug 21 – Sep 27, 2015, to see this bit of crazy for yourself! Crystal Universe will be on display through September 27 at the Pola Museum Annex in Tokyo.

Theneeds 에 소개되었습니다. (Aug 30, 2015)

Digital Butterfly Exhibits

This Project by ‘teamLab’ Features Glowing Butterflies Consuming a Room‘teamLab’ created this unique digital butterfly exhibit, which will be featured at the START Art Fair in London. The exhibit titled ‘Flutter of Butterflies Beyond Borders’ takes up an entire room. The entirety of one room at the Saatchi Gallery will be covered in a digital butterfly display. The butterflies will dance and soar across the walls and ceilings of the room. The walls are covered with mirrors to enhance the experience. While each butterfly is illuminated with a digitized glow, when they come together to create a swarm of insects, it intensifies the entire scene. As guests enter the room it will change and alter the course of the butterflies. The insects will either wither, die, spring up or blossom. The goal for this creative art and technology-based display that aims to depict the relationship between humans and nature.

designboom 에 소개되었습니다. (Aug 27, 2015)

teamlab sends a flutter of butterflies beyond borders into saatchi gallery

teamlab sends a flutter of butterflies beyond borders into saatchi galleryteamlab sends a flutter of butterflies beyond borders into saatchi galleryteamlab: flutter of butterflies beyond borderssaatchi gallery, londonseptember 10th – 13th, 2015teamlab takes over the saatchi gallery during the START art fair in london. the exhibition sees the japanese collective continuing their creation digital projections that eliminate the borders of architecture through an array of frequently changing images. ‘flutter of butterflies beyond borders’ is composed of a mirrored walkway that depicts the seasonal course of flowers over a year — a moving image of growth and decay that reacts to viewer’s activity. one’s presence affects their cycle and whether they wither, die, spring up and blossom, ultimately exploring the boundary between nature and human behaviour.the gallery space sees butterflies flying across its walls, onto the floral imagery which looks at art being released from its constraints by the digital domain. created in real-time by a computer program, the visuals of the winged insects are not pre-recorded or played back, and are continuously changing, never to be repeated. the installation includes the artists’s previous ‘ever blossoming life II – dark’ and ‘flowers and people, cannot be controlled but live together – a whole year dark’, all three overlaid onto one another to create an all-encompassing, immersive experience of movement and color.