Asia This Week 에 소개되었습니다. (Jan 10, 2014)

Asia This Week - Art from Science

TeamLab is a company of mathematicians, designers and computer programmers that uses technology to come up with works of art. It has received awards in countries such as France and Canada and has enjoyed favorable reviews at the Singapore Biennale, a modern art festival being held through mid-February. The team uses a creation process that transcends the conventional wisdom in order to bring out the creativity of each member involved.

PSFK 에 소개되었습니다. (Jan 7, 2014)


Toyko-based design studio Team Lab built a labyrinth of floating colors at the Hong Kong Arts Centre in China. This hypnotic display of chroma, sound and luminescence, entitled ”Homogenizing and Transforming World,“ dictates the interior space of the center in sheer wonder, and envelopes visiting admirers in a world of mesmerizing glowing globes.Suspended in the air and hovering above the floor, the giant orbs of color, in reaction to human contact and subtle movements, will change in color and take on new characteristics.To coordinate the motion responses, Team Lab set up a wireless connection that binds the floating orbs together, essentially creating an intricate network of exaggerated paper lanterns.As part of the exhibit Distilling Sense: A Journey Through Art and Technology in Asia, this surreal, interactive installation is an example of how modern day information bounces and spreads back and forth between people and objects. Open until January 14th, this fascinating exhibit welcomes anyone with an appreciation for contemporary art. For a taste of this imaginative project, take a look at the video below.

pfsk 에 소개되었습니다. (2014/01/07)

Giant Bubble Changes Color And Shape As Visitors Walk Through [Video]

Toyko-based design studio Team Lab built a labyrinth of floating colors at the Hong Kong Arts Centre in China. This hypnotic display of chroma, sound and luminescence, entitled “Homogenizing and Transforming World,” dictates the interior space of the center in sheer wonder, and envelopes visiting admirers in a world of mesmerizing glowing globes. (Excerpt from website)

designboom 에 소개되었습니다. (jan 06, 2014)

luminous colored spheres by teamlab respond to human touch

tokyo-based team lab invite visitors to the hong kong arts centre, china into a hypnotic field of chroma, sound, and luminescence. the maze of giant orbs suspended from the ceiling and hovering above the floor that make up ‘homogenizing and transforming world’ are technologically infused so that simple human contact has the capability of changing the color of their exterior skin. the individual balls floating in the air communicate with each other through a wireless connection, morphing in hue when they bump into things, are touched by people, or receive a shock. the reaction of the numerous adjacent spheres is to mutate their saturation, too, through information sent by the original glowing globe. team lab equates their interconnectivity with the growing interaction of the web saying, ‘the internet has spread throughout the world. individuals are connected to closely related people, and information spreads back and forth freely between them.’ the artwork can currently be seen — and experienced — from now until january 14th, 2014 as part of the exhibit ‘distilling senses: a journey through art and technology in asian contemporary art’.

Sankei News 에 소개되었습니다. (Dec 20, 2013)

スポーツカー「R8」に16メートルの滝が… チームラボとアウディがコラボイベント

東京・表参道に立つ氷山のようなガラス建築が目をひくアウディのショールーム「The Audi Forum Tokyo」に突如あらわれた全長約16メートルの滝。その正体は、いま国内外でブームとなっている立体映像投影「プロジェクションマッピング」。スポーツカー「R8」を岩に見立て、滝が流れ落ちる様子を投影したチームラボとアウディのコラボ作品が19日から開催のアートイベント「teamLab exhibit at Audi Forum Tokyo」の目玉として展示されている。(Excerpt from text)

シブヤ経済新聞 에 소개되었습니다. (Dec 18, 2013)


渋谷パルコ(渋谷区宇田川町)パート1・1階スペイン坂入り口に12月13日、デジタルサイネージ「PARCO Digial Information Wall『P-WALL』」が設置された。ウェブを活用したコミュニケーション戦略「24時間PARCO」=オムニチャンネル化を推進しているパルコ(神泉町)。(本文抜粋)

マイナビニュース 에 소개되었습니다. (Nov 22, 2013)

福岡県福岡市で、チームラボのデジタルアート作品を展示 -日本初公開!

福岡地所が運営するキャナルシティ博多は16日より、テクノロジスト集団チームラボが手掛けたデジタルアート作品「世界は、統合されつつ、分割もされ、繰り返しつつ、いつも違う(United, Fragmented, Repeated and Impermanent World)」を公開している。(本文抜粋)