Featured on ETtoday, Jan 28, 2017

teamLab數位遊樂園IG打卡潮 網:隨便拍都網美

開展將近1個月的「teamLab: 舞動!藝術展 & 學習!未來の遊園地」,為藝人、網紅、知名部落客、網友都大力狂推的IG打卡熱點,並認為這場展覽跟以往不同之處,在於各展區兼具影音互動娛樂,不像是靜態展覽,只是瀏覽一下就離開,這邊「你隨便拍都能當網美」!(本文抜粋)

Featured on NEWSPIM, Jan 28, 2017

이통사, 설 연휴 맞이 '멤버십' 할인 이벤트

[뉴스핌=심지혜 기자] 이동통신사들이 멤버십 제도를 통해 각종 제휴처에서 할인받을 수 있는 혜택을 다양하게 제공하고 있다. 소비자들은 멤버십을 통해 매년 제공되는 포인트로 외식, 쇼핑, 영화 등의 서비스를 할인된 가격에 이용할 수 있다. (本文抜粋)

Featured on Gunosy, Jan 28, 2017

愛媛初上陸! チームラボが進める教育プロジェクトから7作品を展示する『チームラボアイランド -学ぶ! 未来の遊園地- in 愛媛』開催【松山市】

チームラボが進める教育プロジェクトの中から、紙に描いた魚の絵が水族館の中を泳ぐ「お絵かき水族館 / Sketch Aquarium」など7作品が展示される『チームラボアイランド -学ぶ! 未来の遊園地- in 愛媛』が2017年3月18日(土)から5月7日(日)にかけて、「アイテムえひめ」大展示場Aで開催される。愛媛県で同イベントが開催されるのはこれが初めて。国内・海外累計来場者数が300万人を超える人気のイベントに家族で出かけよう。(Excerpt from text)

Featured on LOOK UP LONDON, Jan 27, 2017


teamlab – the ‘ultatechnologists’ – have landed in London’s Pace Gallery and created a stunningly beautiful show. Their aim is to blur the boundaries of art, tech, design and the natural world and their new exhibition  Transcending Boundaries explores the role that digital technology can play in helping art break free from its ‘frame’ and entering the space of the other artwork next to it.(本文抜粋)

Featured on British Vogue, Jan 27, 0217

TeamLab: The Japanese Art Collective You Need To Know

Japanese-based teamLab is not your typical artist collective. Since forming in 2001, the 400-strong group of programmers, mathematicians, and CG animators has built light sculptures that produce 3-D “fireworks”; made a pool of virtual “koi” fish designed to be waded into; and created forests of lamps that glow as people approach.(Excerpt from the text)