New York News 登载。(Mar 9, 2017)

Art gallery and museum listings: March 9-15

Moody Center for the Arts: Olafur Eliasson’s “Green light – An artistic workshop,” through May 6; Thomas Struth’s “Nature & Politics,” through May 29; Dana Thater’s “The Starry Messenger”; teamLab’s “Flower’s and People, Cannot be Controlled but Live Together – A Whole Year per Hour,” through Aug. 13; (本文抜粋)

臺灣今日頭條 登载。(Mar 9, 2017)

浪漫來襲 白色情人節看展傳情意拿好禮

白色情人節(3/14)即將到來,源自日本的白色情人節為回應心意的重要日子。同樣來自日本的「teamLab: 舞動!藝術展 & 學習!未來の遊園地」,將於當日推出「情人節框住最愛的你」活動,邀請民眾攜伴看展拍照上傳臉書,不僅能傳達甜蜜情意,還能獲得展覽限定明信片。(本文抜粋)

Tokushima Shimbun 登载。(Mar 9, 2017)

猪子さん(チームラボ代表)新人賞 先進的デジタル作品創出

猪子さん(チームラボ代表)新人賞先進的デジタル作品創出文化庁は8日、芸術各分野の優れた業績を表彰する2016年度芸術選奨の文部科学大臣新人賞に、デジタルアート集団「チームラボ」(東京)代表の猪子寿之さん(39)=徳島市出身=ら12人を選んだと発表した。(Excerpt from the text)

Whitestone Gallery 登载。(Mar 9, 2017)

"Voyages"- a large-scale digital art installation at H Queen

H Queen’s (HQ) is proud to present "Voyages", a large-scale digital art installation consisting of video artworks presented by world-class galleries and artists, including teamLab (Pace Gallery), İnci Eviner (Pearl Lam Galleries), Zhao Zhao (Tang Contemporary Art) and Sputniko! (Whitestone Gallery). This is the first large-scale digital art installation to be shown on a main street in the busiest CBD in Hong Kong, where the passers-by will stop in their tracks to experience the Voyages among the hustle and bustle of Central.(Excerpt from the text)