DODOOBA 登载。(Jan 25, 2017)


“teamLab: Transcending Boundaries” at PACE London is an exhibition of eight works by the Japanese digital art collective teamLab. Featuring three rooms of immersive installations, the exhibition explores the role of digital technology in transcending the physical and conceptual boundaries that exist between different artworks, with imagery from one work breaking free of the frame and entering the space of another. (Excerpt from the text)

ArtfixDaily 登载。(Jan 24, 2017)

Houston's Moody Center for the Arts Readies for Launch - Debuts Experimental Platform Intertwining Arts, Sciences and Humanities

Alison Weaver, the Suzanne Deal Booth Executive Director of Rice University’s Moody Center for the Arts, has announced a wide‐ranging international program that will inaugurate this new transdisciplinary lab for creativity, opening to the public Feb. 24, 2017, in Houston.(本文抜粋)

STAR SEOUL TV 登载。(Jan 24, 2017)

[설연휴 가볼만한 곳] 겨울축제 ‘추워서 더 신난다’...1월축제, 화천산천어축제, 평창송어축제, 인제빙어축제, 원대리 자작나무숲·곰배령, 보령 천북굴축제, 이집트 보물전, 맛집, 숙박숙소펜션

오는 28일은 민족 최대의 명절 설날이다. 2017년 정유년 민족 최대의 명절 설이 다가오면서 4일간의 설연휴를 어떻게 보낼까 행복한 고민을 한다. 설 차례를 지내고 성묘나 고향가는길에 가볼만한 곳 여행코스는 어디가 있을까?(本文抜粋)

HYUNDAI 登载。(Jan 24, 2017)

Art & Technology #4: teamLab

Art & Technology #4: teamLabAt a conference last year at the Mori Art Museum on the subject of internationalism in contemporary art, scholar Michio Hayashi theorized that the popular perception of “Japanese-ness” in the West was cemented in the 1980s by triangulating “kitsch hybridity,” “primordial nature” and “technological sophistication.”(本文抜粋)

It’s Nice That 登载。(Jan 24, 2017)

teamLab opens Transcending Boundaries, stunning digital interactive artworks at Pace London

teamLab, a group of Tokyo based ultratechnologists open Transcending Boundaries at Pace London tomorrow, 25 January 2017. The group which includes artists, designers, mathematicians, engineers and architects, create digital interactive artworks based on the Japanese sense of spatial recognition, investigating human behaviour.(Excerpt from the text)

cakes 登载。(jan 24, 2017)


様々なテクノロジーの登場は、ライブをどのように変えたのでしょうか? 実は震災も関係していたのです。音楽ジャーナリスト・柴那典さんがその実情と未来への指針を解き明かす話題書『ヒットの崩壊』(講談社現代新書)。その内容を特別掲載します(毎週火曜・木曜更新)。(本文抜粋)