NEWS に、掲載。(Apr 17, 2017)

这家餐厅打出新招牌 让你吃饭也能感受季节变换

食客们总是越来越挑剔,对于拥有最多米其林星级餐厅的东京来说更是如此。当一流的厨师、食材、服务和装潢似乎都没什么稀罕的时候,餐厅还能如何攫取食客的注意?有一些餐厅开始另辟蹊径,比如银座的这家开业不久的日料餐厅SAGAYA ginza,就打出了“感官餐厅”的招牌。(Excerpt from the text)

ARTLOGUE に、掲載。(Apr 17, 2017)

草間彌生、杉本博司、チームラボ、現代美術から能楽堂まで「GINZA SIX」にはアートが盛りだくさん。椎名林檎とトータス松本によるスペシャルムービー本日解禁!

2017年4月20日(木)、銀座エリア最大の延床面積を誇る商業施設「GINZA SIX」がオープンします。「GINZA SIX」には241の世界ブランドが集結し、世界でここにしかない特別な場と仕掛けを創発していきます。(Excerpt from the text)

HomeWorldDesign に、掲載。(Apr 16, 2017)

Sagaya – A Taste of Japan / teamLab

A new food/art installation in Tokyo is offering a multi-sensory eating experience that combines delicate Japanese cuisine with stunning projections and sound.Located inside Sagaya, a Saga beef restaurant in the city’s Ginza district, the permanent installation, titled Worlds Unleashed and then Connecting, was created by art collective teamLab and serves just eight guests each day.(Excerpt from the text)

SAN DIEGO RED に、掲載。(Apr 15, 2017)

El restaurante inmersivo e interactivo en Japón que está causando sensación

El colectivo artístico Teamlab ha creado un restaurant inmersivo e interactivo en el distrito Ginza de Tokio, Japón. En este exclusivo establecimiento, que atiende a solo 8 clientes por día, se sirven cenas con una experiencia multi-sensorial que transmite los sabores, olores y la pintoresca belleza que existe en Japón.(Excerpt from the text)

Creators に、掲載。(Apr 14, 2017)

This Installation Is Like Stepping Inside a Neon Van Gogh Painting

With a killer soundtrack, teamLab's new installation feels like riding a roller coaster at the center of the galaxy."Breathtaking" is an adjective most often cheaply used to describe artwork with pleasant colors or large scope. Believe me when I say I mean it literally, in regards to teamLab's verbosely-titled installation, Crows are Chased and the Chasing Crows are Destined to be Chased as well, Transcending Space. Air escaped my lungs as I stood, sat, and walked through the four-minute sequence.(Excerpt from the text)