honeycombers 登載。(May 18, 2017)

Future World in Singapore: The art installation at ArtScience Museum just got a lil’ bigger

Immerse yourself in two spanking new interactive installations at this Insta-worthy art and light exhibition at Future World near Marina Bay SandsWe know you’re always looking for that breathtaking backdrop for your Insta-worthy selfies – why do you think we came up with our best Instagram spots in Singapore piece? And if you’re a shutterbug who’s always looking for that out-of-this-world money shot, you’re probably already savvy with the Future World exhibition at the ArtScience Museum.(Excerpt from the text)

southwestjournal 登載。(May 18, 2017)

Minneapolis’ music fest season has begun

Minneapolis’ music fest season has begun “Graffiti Nature — Still Mountains and Movable Lakes” As screens continue their dominance of popular culture, art institutions are evolving to become part of the digital age. The always-innovative Walker Art Center is responding by presenting interactive, multi-sensory exhibitions, such as “Graffiti Nature — Still Mountains and Movable Lakes” by the Tokyo-based international art collective teamLab.(Excerpt from the text)

PREMIUM JAPAN 登載。(May 16, 2017)


今年の夏休みは、どう過ごされる予定ですか? もし頭を悩ませたときは、こちらの企画をおすすめします。東京・渋谷ヒカリエでは、2017年7月28日(金)から、大人も子どもも共に楽しめる期間限定イベント「チームラボジャングルと学ぶ!未来の遊園地」が開催されます。(Excerpt from the text)