CGTN 登載。(Apr 21, 2022)

Tokyo residents embrace arrival of cherry blossom season

Spring has arrived in Japan, and the nation is going wild for sakura, or cherry blossoms. Every year around this season, an entire industry is created around the sakura plant, from sakura cookies, wine and dishes to soap, makeup and fashion accessories. And, of course, the most important one is the tourism created around sakura viewing. The sakura plant is also getting a digital upgrade with some avant-garde art. Phoebe Amoroso takes us to the springtime celebrations in Tokyo that could well become a perennial fixture.(Excerpt from the text)

designboom 登載。(Apr 6, 2022)

teamLab on its immersive resonating microcosms at maison&objet 2022

Following its debut in 2015, international art collective teamLab returns for the third time to Maison&Objet with an immersive installation titled Resonating Microcosms – Solidified Light Color. Set within a dark room, the installation features an infinitely-expanding space filled with glowing ovoids that emit colors and sounds when visitors interact with them in a poetically choreographed manner.

Galerie 登載。(Apr 5, 2022)

See Highlights from This Year’s Maison & Object and Déco Off

Tucked along the outskirts of the many open vignettes that occupied Hall 7 at Maison & Objet, the most transportive was located behind a series of black walls. Here, teamLab created Resonating Microcosms—Solidified Light Color, a collection of waist-high ovoids placed in a pitch-black mirrored space.(Excerpt from the text)

YANKO DESIGN 登載。(Mar 29, 2022)


teamLab caught everyone’s attention at the ongoing Maison&Objet with their sensory interactive display of color-changing orbs that are sensitive to the environment around them. Traversing us from the perceived realms of conscience into the otherworldly sensory dimension is the niche for Japan-based international art collective teamLab. Now at the Maison&Objet trade fair in Paris, we had a one-on-one experience of their spell-bounding sea of glowing ovoids. The installation dubbed Resonating Microcosms of Life – Solidified Light Color displays the connection of one ovoid to the others in the collection.(Excerpt from the text)

The Japan News 登載。(Feb 27, 2022)

Lighting installations evoke eternal flow of time

The event “teamLab: Digitized Kairakuen Garden” was launched by world-renowned digital art group teamLab last year to transform the garden in the springtime — when various types of plum trees bloom at different times — into an interactive lighting art space that changes in response to the presence of people. The latest event started on Feb. 1.(Excerpt from the text)