日経MJ 登載。(Feb 24, 2016)


1月下旬、パリで開かれた世界最大級のインテリア見本市の「メゾン・エ・オブジェ・パリ」。日本からの出展企業が一等地にブースを構え最新のデジタル技術を駆使した映像から職人技が光る伝統工芸まで、幅広い表現力で魅了した。(Excerpt from the text)

dot. 登載。(Feb 24, 2016)

「雪肌精“ハーバルの泉” - ART by teamLab」にて「Flowers and People on the Water - Spring of Herbal Flowers」を展示。3/1~

チームラボ、六本木ヒルズ大屋根プラザにて開催の「雪肌精“ハーバルの泉” - ART by teamLab」にて、「Flowers and People on the Water - Spring of Herbal Flowers」を展示。2016年3月1日~3月6日まで。(Excerpt from the text)

OBSERVER 登載。(Feb 11, 2016 )

Van Gogh’s Bedroom for Rent on AirBnB, Barbie Goes on View in Montreal—and More

Van Gogh’s Bedroom for Rent on AirBnB, Barbie Goes on View in Montreal—and MorePace gallery opens in Silicon Valley with an exhibition by Japanese art collective teamLab at its newest outpost Pace Art + Technology. While none of the works are officially for sale, three have sold only one week after the show’s opening.(Excerpt from the text)

蘋果日報 登載。(Feb 12, 2016 )

【更新】移民火星! 科技人大玩藝術無底線

【更新】移民火星! 科技人大玩藝術無底線有人認為藝術是無拘束的情感演繹,不應被量化和重重計算。但一群來自日本的超級科學技術者(Ultra-technologist)、IT人和藝術家等,聯合製作的數位藝術品,一樣具備美態,看完後,也許能令你對「科技藝術」,有新一番體會。(Excerpt from the text)

Palo Alto Weekly 登載。(2016年2月5日)

'Inside the art'

'Inside the art'Pace Gallery launches art-and-tech pop-up in Menlo ParkHigh-tech digital installations with traditional Japanese influences are on display in "Living Digital Space and Future Parks," the new exhibition at Pace Art + Technology, a pop-up space for the New York-based Pace Gallery. The gallery, located at Tesla's former dealership in Menlo Park, will present the large-scale exhibition by the Japanese art collective teamLab beginning Feb. 6 and continuing through July 1.(Excerpt from the text)

SFGATE 登載。(Feb 9, 2016 )

Pace Art + Technology presents teamLab works

Pace Art + Technology presents teamLab worksThe prominent New York (and London, Paris, Hong Kong and Beijing) art gallery Pace is trying something very different for a new Bay Area incarnation.Pace Art + Technology launched in Menlo Park last week with a “digital playground for all ages,” a kid-friendly, sprawling installation that incorporates 20 works by a Japanese group of some 400 artists that collectively calls itself teamLab.(Excerpt from the text)


An Immersive Installation Goes Up in Silicon Valley

An Immersive Installation Goes Up in Silicon ValleyTHE ASSUMPTION THAT digital art exists only on a computer screen is challenged this month when a 20,000-square-foot immersive installation by Japanese art collective teamLab goes up in the heart of the tech world—Silicon Valley’s Menlo Park. Hosted by Pace Art + Technology, a new initiative of the venerable New York–based gallery, it presents 20 digital works in a site-specific structure on the grounds of the former Tesla showroom. Visitors, who must purchase tickets for access (no works are for sale), can interact with teamLab creations such as constellations of starry florals, aquatic waterscapes and luminous hopscotch games.(Excerpt from the text)