NEWS に、掲載。(Apr 24, 2017)

来了! teamLab艺术科技展7月震撼袭深引关注

全球十大必看展览 最炙手可热的新媒体艺术科技作品 让巴黎 伦敦 东京疯狂的艺术盛宴  导语:今年7月,深圳市绽放文创投资有限公司将为深圳人带来不可错过的全球TOP级的艺术饕餮盛宴!继巴黎、伦敦、东京、洛杉矶展出,国际一流的新媒体艺术创作团队teamLab将携巨型个展空降欢乐海岸,为深圳市民带来声、光、电、影梦幻结合的沉浸式互动「teamLab: 舞动艺术展&未来游乐园」科技艺术展,亲身体验置身数字魔幻空间的独特艺术之旅。(Excerpt from the text)

graffica に、掲載。(Apr 24, 2017)

TeamLab y Sagaya: la unión de la gastronomía, el arte y el mundo digital

¿Es posible unir la gastronomía y el mundo digital? TeamLab lo ha conseguido. Sagaya es un restaurante multisensorial situado en Tokio que cuenta con instalaciones interactivas digitales que proporcionan una experiencia única al jugar con todos los sentidos gracias a las técnicas empleadas por TeamLab.(Excerpt from the text)

ASIAN FUSION に、掲載。(Apr 20, 2017)

Experience teamLab’s Graffiti Nature at Honolulu Biennial 2017 before it ends!

Experience teamLab’s Graffiti Nature at Honolulu Biennial 2017 before it ends! Honolulu Biennial ( was established in 2014 by Dr. Koan Jeff Baysa, isabella Ellaheh Hughes and Katherine Ann Leilani Tuider. Fumio Nanjo, Director of Tokyo’s Mori Art Museum and an art critic serves as curatorial director and Ngahiraka Mason as curator. (Excerpt from the text)

GINZA SIX magazine に、掲載。(Apr 20, 2017)

PUBLIC ART GINZA SIX でアートが語りかけるメッセージと対話しよう

PUBLIC ARTGINZA SIX でアートが語りかけるメッセージと対話しよう今まではあまりコラボレーションの機会がなかった商業空間とアートを結び、新しい相乗効果を生み出す−−。1960年代から現代美術も含め多数の貸し画廊が増え、今ではギャラリーが集う街にもなった銀座。そこに建つGINZA SIXの志のもと迎えられたのは、クリエイティブな日本を感じさせる現代美術界のアーティストたちだ。(Excerpt from the text)

MY MODERN MET に、掲載。(Apr 19, 2017)

Digital Installation Transforms Restaurant into Immersive Dining Experience

Known for their digital interactive installations, teamLab‘s newest piece enhances the dining experience of guests at Tokyo's Sagaya restaurant. The exclusive eatery allows just eight customers a day, who will now immerse themselves in an interactive dining experience. The multi-sensory event draws on taste, smell, and the beauty of Japan as an ever-changing table bounces with imagery created especially for each course.(Excerpt from the text)

HYPEBEAST に、掲載。(Apr 19, 2017)

This Ginza Steak Restaurant Is a Multi-Sensory Dining Experience

Ginza restaurant Sagaya recently collaborated with creative collective TeamLab to transform one of its dining rooms into a multi-sensory dining experience. Taking the phrase “you eat with your eyes first” to heart, the restaurant looked to create an immersive space using projection mapping, digital sensors and sounds to enhance a meal. (Excerpt from the text)