NEWS 에 소개되었습니다. (Apr 16, 2015)


L’œuvre dont je vais vous parler aujourd’hui est actuellement exposée au Miraikan de Tokyo (Musée des Sciences et de l’Innovation) mais elle fait parler d’elle par-delà les frontières.(Excerpt from the text)

AsiaX 에 소개되었습니다. (Apr 8, 2015)


メガネ店を展開する株式会社オンデーズが、新店舗「OWNDAYS ION Orchard SHOP」に4月3日より、ウルトラテクノロジスト集団チームラボが開発した「teamLabCamera(チームラボカメラ)」を導入している。「チームラボカメラ」とは、自動的に撮影を行うフェイスブック連動型のデジタルサイネージ(電子看板)。サイネージの前で制限時間内にポーズを決め撮影ボタンを押す。すると自動的に撮影が始まり、様々な加工を施された画像がフェイスブック(にアップロードされる。ダウンロードやシェアも自由。今回は、7種類のビジュアルの「teamLabCamera – OWNDAYS」が用意されている。 設置場所のオンデーズIONオーチャード店はIONオーチャード#B2-69。 詳細は チームラボによるほかの作品はから見ることができる。

Mother Nature Network 에 소개되었습니다. (Apr 6, 2015)

Take a walk through a floating flower garden

In “Floating Flower Garden,” 2,300 living flowers are suspended from the ceiling and they rise and fall around visitors as they move throughout the garden.In addition to the beautiful visual experience, the artists say the flowers scents’ change throughout the day.“Each flower has a partner insect and the scent of the flowers becomes stronger at the time that the insect is most active, as a result the scent of the air in the garden space changes according to the time of day, morning, noon, and evening,” according to the project’s website.The Japanese artists behind “Floating Flower Garden” were inspired by gardens where Zen Buddhist priests would gather for training, and they hope the moving flowers will give people the opportunity to view nature in a more personal way.“A person will become integrated with a flower when they look at a flower and the flower looks at them. Possibly at this time the person will truly see the flower for the first time.”The garden is currently on display at Tokyo’s National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation.

Nômades Digitais 에 소개되었습니다. (Apr 1, 2015)

Coletivo cria instalação feita de flores que parece flutuar sobre os visitantes em Tóquio

As flores são capazes de alegrar o dia de qualquer um com suas cores, cheiros e delicadeza única. Mesmo que não seja primavera, imagine entrar numa sala repleta delas, como se fosse uma verdadeira chuva de flores. Em exposição no Miraikan, em Tóquio, a instalação interativa “Floating Flower Garden” fez isso mesmo.(本文抜粋)

CLAPWAY 에 소개되었습니다. (Mar 28, 2015)

Unforgettable Video Of The Floating Flower Garden

If you were to travel to Tokyo’s National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation, you would have the privilege of seeing a very unique garden display. This garden itself is literally hanging from the ceiling and through the wonder of technology, it is lowered and raised so that it seems to float and surround you with its enchanting beauty.The flowers used in this hanging garden are orchids. The reason for this is that orchids have a unique root structure. They are able to absorb water and nutrients without having to be in soil through what’s known as aerial roots. All that is needed is for them to be watered and cared for normally as they absorb all nutrients from the air itself. When found in its native habitat, this particular type of orchid will usually attach itself to trees to help provide stability as it is growing. As the plants are all thriving and growing well under the conditions of the hanging garden, it could be said that this project has most definitely been a success.The idea for this amazing garden came from a group of artists from teamLab. They dubbed the project the “Floating Flower Garden: Flowers and I are of the same root, the Garden and I are one,” and used this to help show the modern entwinement of art with computers and technology. The hanging garden operates through a fully computer-controlled system, which automatically brings the flowers up and down as people walk through it. There are over 2,200 flowers and plants that make up the garden.The scent and visual of this fantastical hanging garden is one to be truly experienced and relished in person. There is still time for visitors to take advantage of this current exhibit as it will only be available through May 1st of this year. For the rest of us, who will not be able to travel and be there in person, the visual alone is enough to give us a sense of relaxation, harmony and wonder. For the fortunate people who will have the privilege of visiting this phenomenal garden in person, the wonderful smells actually change throughout the day based on the different stages of pollination of the flowers.Orchids as a flower group actually have so many different species that it’s increasingly difficult to keep track of them all, with over 22,000 flowers being accepted into their ranks. The particular type of orchid that is being used for this exhibit is known as the Phalaenopsis Orchid. These particular orchids are one of the few that has the capability of aerial roots. They are also quite common and many people use them as houseplants. While they do not require soil, they can still be placed in a flowerpot and enjoyed from your windowsill.

beautiful lands 에 소개되었습니다. (Mar 26, 2015)

Floating Flower Garden

teamLab in Japan creates a floating flower garden with an infinite number of floating living flowers that fill up the entire garden space. Over 2,300 floating flowers bloom in the space. These flowers are alive and growing with each passing day. When a viewer gets close to this flower-filled space, the flowers close to the viewer rise upwards all at once, creating a hemispherical space with the viewer at its center. In other words, although the whole space is filled with flowers, a hemispherical space is constantly being created with the viewer at its center and the viewer is free to move around wherever they want. If many viewers get close to one another, the dome spaces link up to form one single space. In this interactive floating flower garden viewers are immersed in flowers, and become completely one with the garden itself. For more information about this project, please visit the website of teamLab.

designboom 에 소개되었습니다. (2015/03/27)

teamlab projects universe of water particles on the grand palais

for the art paris art fair 2015, teamlab have transformed paris’ historic grand palais into an immersive, ever-evolving waterfall. the projection-mapped simulation has been calculated by tracking the movement of water falling on a 3D model of the structure in a virtual computer environment. ‘universe of water particles on the grand palais’ is expressed as continuum of hundreds of thousand of droplets that flow in accordance with how the computer calculates the interaction of the particles.(Excerpt from text)

GIZMODO 에 소개되었습니다. (Mar 27, 2015)

A Hanging Garden That Floats Through Space to Meet Your Nose

Gardens are beautiful and all but they’re almost always inconveniently located on the ground. Instead of stooping to smell the roses, this garden comes to you: A suspended, living arrangement of 2,300 flowers which rises and fall around viewers as they move through the space.Floating Flower Garden: Flowers and I are of the same root, the Garden and I are one is a project by Japanese artists at teamLab, where a computer-controlled system shifts the 2,300 plants up and down depending on the presence of a person walking below. Imagine the flowers parting like a curtain and forming a bubble around each person. The technology is similar to Random International’s Rain Room, which keeps viewers dry they walk through a simulated downpour.The plants are orchids, which are able to take in water and nutrients through their airborne roots (technically rhizomes) and don’t necessarily need soil. So the garden is actually growing, even as it’s installed upside-down.In addition to the visual experience, the smell must be absolutely amazing: According to the artists, the scent of each flower is intensified when it’s pollinated by its corresponding partner insects, and the room’s fragrance changes throughout the day.Floating Flower Garden: Flowers and I are of the same root, the Garden and I are one is installed at Tokyo’s National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation in Tokyo through May 10. [teamLab via Laughing Squid]

beautiful lands 에 소개되었습니다. (Mar 26, 2015)

Installations and Designs of teamLab

teamLab is a Japanese Ultra-technologists group made up of specialists in the information society such as; Programmers (User Interface Engineers, Database Engineers, Network Engineers, Hardware engineers, Computer Vision Engineers, Software Architects), Mathematicians, Architects, CG Animators, Web Designers, Graphic Designers, Artists, Editors and more. We create works through “experimentation and innovation” making the borders between Art, Science, and Technology, more Ambiguous.teamLab has invented many innovative installations and designs, including Floating Flower Garden. Here are some of them.To see all the projects of teamLab, please visit its website.Espace teamLab -World Unleashed and then Connecting (Maison & Objet Paris 20th Anniversary, Jan. 23 – 27, 2015):