pen online に、掲載。(Jul 29, 2016)



THE IRISH TIMES に、掲載。(Jul 28, 2016)

Images of the Day

Images of the Day CHASING CROWS: Visitors look at the artwork 'Crows are Chased and the Chasing Crows are Destined to be Chased as well, Blossoming on Collision - Light in Space' by teamLab during the press preview of the exhibition 'The Universe and Art' at Mori Art Museum in Tokyo, Japan. Photograph: Franck Robichon/EPA(Excerpt from the text)

Pouch に、掲載。(Jul 28, 2016)

宇宙空間をイメージした光の彫刻が圧巻! お台場で開催中の体感型デジタルアート作品展「DMM.プラネッツ Art by teamLab」が見どころ満載すぎる!

【水の中に入ったり、やわらか空間で寝転んだり……】また「人と共に踊る鯉によって描かれる水面のドローイング – Infinity」では、鑑賞者が自由に水の中に入り歩き回ることができます。水中に鯉が泳いでいて、人にぶつかると鮮やかな色になって飛び散るという、幻想的な作品なんだそう。(Excerpt from the text)

BLOUINARTINFO に、掲載。(Jul 28, 2016)

teamLab's Largest LED Installation Yet Comes to Odaiba Yume-Tairiku 2016

Japanese art collective teamLab has staged its largest digital installation yet at the Odaiba Yume-Tairiku 2016 festival. Through August 31, festival-goers will be immersed in an alternate and colorful multi-sensory universe in teamLab's new exhibition “DMM.Planets Art,” presented in conjunction with Japanese internet company from the text)

The Creators Project に、掲載。(Jul 28, 2016)

A High Tech Enchanted Forest Awaits You

In every bottle of Perrier, there are countless bubbles. Together, #ExtraordinairePerrier and The Creators Project celebrate "the extraordinary" behind some of the most fascinating artists pushing boundaries through their chosen medium, technique, and perspective. This is an ongoing series exploring those artists. (Excerpt from the text)

EL BOLIVIANO に、掲載。(Jul 28, 2016)

古今東Las Fotos del Día西から宇宙にまつわる資料、作品が集結。「宇宙と芸術展:かぐや姫、ダ・ヴィンチ、チームラボ」で宇宙旅行時代を予見せよ!

Las Fotos del DíaCuervos luminosos Un visitante observa la obra de arte llamada Crows are Chased and the Chasing Crows are Destined to be Chased as well, Blossoming on Collision – Light in Space (lit. Los Cuervos son Perseguidos y los Cuervos Perseguidores están Destinados a ser Perseguidos también, Floración en Colisión- Luz en el Espacio)(本文抜粋)