Featured on WHOOPZZ, May 30, 2017

Enter the Ethereal World of Homogenization and Transformation with teamlab’s Art Installation

Art mimics life, dissecting, reinterpreting, and presenting it to us in ways that bring us out of our comfort zones, so we can think and reflect and come to understand the world through another’s eyes. Perhaps it is because we are so often forced to uncover and discover meaning within modern art pieces that we tend to feel uncomfortable or even dismiss its message to regain some form of control over it. (Excerpt from the text)

Featured on Unrated, May 30, 2017

Lit with teamLab’s Interactive Floating Ball Exhibition

Singapore Gets Lit with teamLab’s Interactive Floating Ball ExhibitionJapanese creative collective teamLab is bringing a euphoric interactive exhibit to Singapore this summer featuring enormous mood balls. Though these artistic balls do not actually give you a mood reading, they do change color upon touch, sending color-related sounds to nearby balls. (Excerpt from the text)

Featured on Wrap, May 29, 2017

株式会社 × チームラボアーキテクツ株式会社|【2017年版】おしゃれオフィス20選

『2017年おしゃれオフィス20選』の18弾は、「株式会社」です。ビートたけしさんとロボットの対話や、FX、英会話など幅広い分野のCMが話題となっていますが、2017年5月現在、提供しているサービス数はなんと40にもなります。チームラボと合同で作ったばかりの新オフィスのお話を中心に、今回は急成長を支える採用の仕組みなどを、「」と「チームラボ」の方々に伺いました。(Excerpt from the text)

Featured on Art Kompetes, May 29, 2017

Interactive Japanese Art Gallery Fascinates Exhibition Visitors

teamLab inventively blur the lines between art viewer and art creator in one of their latest art exhibitions entitled ‘Living Digital Forest and Future Park.’ Sounding like something out of a vivid dream, the latest project from the art collective sees visitors immerse themselves in an interactive art experience with a digital garden, floating flowers, forest animals and dazzling light sculptures.(Excerpt from the text)

Featured on 美术课, May 28, 2017

展览 | teamLab:花舞森林与未来游乐园

这个曾在世界各地引发社交网络刷屏现象的新媒体艺术团体teamLab终于巡展至中国!teamLab是一个由专家组成的超技术专家小组,包括由程序员(用户界面工程师、数据库工程师、软件架构师等),数学家、建筑师、CG动画师、网页设计师、平面设计师、艺术家和编辑等。他们以「实验和创新」去进行创作,使科学、技术、艺术和设计之间的边界更模糊。《teamLab:花舞森林与未来游乐园》正在北京佩斯画廊展出,持续至10月10日。(Excerpt from the text)